Dreaming is often defined as a physiological and psychological conscious state that occurs during sleep and is often characterized by a rich array of endogenous, sensory, motor, emotional, and other experiences.
Although much is still not understood about the nature of dreams and their complexity, the medical and psychological communities generally agree that dreams reflect, at least partially, our subconscious activity. There are several types of dreams, and the following types seemed most interesting to us:
1. Dreams of current or recent events: This is one of the more common types of dreams, where events that have occurred in the past 24 to 48 hours are directly or indirectly reflected in the dream.
2. Symbolic dreams: These dreams help us metaphorically process life events (present or past). For example, if you have a problem at work, you might dream of climbing a high mountain. Sometimes, solutions can also appear in these dreams.
3. Comforting dreams:This fairly common type of dream involves fantasies or comforting experiences (especially when times are tough). Comforting dreams often represent a desire for fulfillment or compensation in response to the ups and downs of everyday life.
4. Creative dreams/problem-solving dreams: Some dreams are inspirational and can provide creative ideas or long-sought solutions to problems. The dreamer may wake up with a sense of revelation having occurred. For example, Paul McCartney reportedly composed the melody for the song "Yesterday" in a dream.
5. Nightmares: These can occur after a stressful event. Nightmares can also result from unresolved anxieties, fears, or past traumas. Some nightmares are attempts by the subconscious/unconscious mind to resolve issues. Causes of nightmares can vary and be triggered by biological, neurological, chemical, dietary, as well as psychological factors.
6. Lucid dreams:One of the most interesting types of dreams is lucid dreaming, where the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming while the dream is taking place. Often, lucid dreaming allows the dreamer to "control" their actions as the dream unfolds as if they are the main actor in their own adventure. This type of dreaming is not only enjoyable and pleasant in many cases but also empowers the dreamer to solve problems.
7. Supernatural dreams:These dreams rarely occur to most people. But when they do, the experience can be so unique that the dream is often deeply remembered months or even years later. These can be dreams in which the dreamer has a vision of a future event that later comes true. They can also be dreams about a person or event that are later confirmed to be true.
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